Архив рубрики: Social

Algorithmic feeds force us to compete

 Is that photo pretty enough? Is that tweet funny enough? If not, they might not be seen now that Instagram and Twitter are moving to algorithmically sorted feeds. That could spell big problems for marketers and cause our social media lives to be more stressful. To make their apps more consistently interesting, especially for people who don’t check them non-stop, Instagram and Titter… Read More

Algorithmic feeds force us to compete

Spot launches to help users share recommendations on local gems and travel tips

 Spot, a startup that says it can help you find “the best places in the world,” is launching to the public. The company emerged from “startup studio” Expa. It’s also announcing today that it has raised $2 million in seed funding from Expa, SV Angel, Ram Shriram, Tim Ferriss, Fenwick & West and others. When I spoke to founder Luke Groesbeck last summer, he… Read More

Spot launches to help users share recommendations on local gems and travel tips

Pocket Wants You To Read Ads Later Too

 But these aren’t the crappy click-bait you see below lots of blog posts. “We’re being very choosy” Pocket founder Nate Weiner tells me. “We don’t want this to become the bottom of the barrel content.” If Pocket can convince users that these articles would be worthy of appearing in its app even if it wasn’t sponsored, it could become the home for… Read More

Pocket Wants You To Read Ads Later Too

Imgur Gets Its Sheryl, Hires COO So Founder Can Nerd Out On Product

 Imgur is Internet dude paradise. The underhyped image sharing and commenting community has 150 million active users and saw 900 billion page views in 2015. Thanks to silly GIFs, science experiments, cute cats, and crazy inside jokes, Imgur has become the #1 web destination for millenial men according to comScore. Now it’s time to turn the adoration of that army of guys into a real… Read More

Imgur Gets Its Sheryl, Hires COO So Founder Can Nerd Out On Product

Instagram Finally Adds Two-Factor Authentication To Fight Hackers

 Instagram accounts are worth stealing. Now at 400 million users including celebrities, brands, and artists making a living, it’s time to add another lock to its doors. In November I wrote that “Seriously, Instagram Needs Two-Factor Authentication”, and a tipster just told me they’ve spotted it in testing. Today, Instagram confirmed to me that it’s beginning to… Read More

Instagram Finally Adds Two-Factor Authentication To Fight Hackers