Архив рубрики: Social

What Facebook Live and Periscope need is a waiting room

 Livestreams start boring because broadcasters don’t want to begin the real action until more people have tuned in. That can take a few minutes, even with streams being rapidly distributed via push notifications, tweets and the News Feed. But by that time, the initial audience may have bounced, and the recorded replay won’t entice viewers later. Facebook Live videos auto-play… Read More

What Facebook Live and Periscope need is a waiting room

Sean Parker’s Airtime acquires WebRTC video chat wizards vLine

 It takes some serious engineering magic to build low-latency group mobile video chat and simultaneous content viewing. That’s why Sean Parker’s recently relaunched video chat room app Airtime acquired vLine, which offered video chat infrastructure to SaaS companies. Founded in 2010, vLine was backed with $1.5 million from Kleiner Perkins and Harrison Metal. vLine’s team will… Read More

Sean Parker’s Airtime acquires WebRTC video chat wizards vLine

Users average 50 minutes per day on Facebook, Messenger and Instagram

 Facebook’s “family of apps” strategy is a wild success. While some might have expected it to roll Instagram into Facebook and leave chat in its main app, keeping Instagram independent and splitting off Messenger into a companion app has helped it solidify itself as more than just a ubiquitous utility, but as a downright addiction.
Today on the Q1 2016 earnings call, Mark… Read More

Users average 50 minutes per day on Facebook, Messenger and Instagram

Shots acquires Mindie to build a teen video app empire

 Mindie does with soundtracks what Instagram did with filters: It makes boring imagery interesting. And with the insane amount of video that teens are sharing, the music-video-making app seemed too useful to die when its creators shut down Mindie in December. So Mindie’s technology is getting dug out of its grave thanks to an acquisition by Shots, the selfie app turned comedy feed backed… Read More

Shots acquires Mindie to build a teen video app empire

Threaded messaging is coming to Slack

 In an interview with Walt Mossberg, Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield said threaded messaging — perhaps one of the service’s most important missing components — is finally coming. Butterfield told Mossberg that Slack had been using threading internally for months while testing what the best version of the tool would be for the service, which will hopefully come out in the… Read More

Threaded messaging is coming to Slack