Архив рубрики: Social

Pinterest acquihires the team behind influencer-driven curated shopping app tote

 Pinterest today said it was acquiring the team behind tote, a shopping app that highlights products suggested by fashion influencers and friends.
The tote founders are joining Pinterest’s growth and monetization team. This isn’t the only talent acquisition Pinterest has made even this month as well: Just last week, Pinterest acquired the team behind the custom keyboard app Fleksy. Read More

Pinterest acquihires the team behind influencer-driven curated shopping app tote

Tripstir helps you find friends while you’re traveling

 Tripstir is a new app that helps you share travel plans and tips with your friends. Think of it as a way to avoid those exasperating moments when you come back from a trip and you realize that one of your friends was in the same place at the same time — but you’re only finding out when it’s too late. Basically, you use Tripstir by entering information about upcoming trips.… Read More

Tripstir helps you find friends while you’re traveling

Facebook is disabling messaging in its mobile web app to push people to Messenger

 Facebook is removing the messaging capability from its mobile web application, according to a notice being served to users: “Your conversations are moving to Messenger,” it reads. Welcome news to the millions like me who switched to the web app in order to avoid Messenger in the first place! Read More

Facebook is disabling messaging in its mobile web app to push people to Messenger

Facebook kills off Notify news app

 Facebook’s attempt at a real-time, notification-based news app is shutting down. Today Facebook sent an alert to users telling them “Thanks for using Notify. We’re transitioning parts of Notify into other Facebook products, and the app will no longer be supported.” Facebook launched Notify in November, allowing users to select from over 70 publishers that they wanted… Read More

Facebook kills off Notify news app

The best Meeker 2016 Internet Trends slides and what they mean

 This is the gospel according to Mary Meeker, a living legend amongst venture capitalists. Instead of just blindly clicking through her 200+ page 2016 Internet Trends report, here we’ve picked the most important graphs and stats, and explained what they actually mean for people who work in tech. You can also read the full report here. Read More

The best Meeker 2016 Internet Trends slides and what they mean