Verizon Wireless and HTC today announced pricing and availability for the HTC Incredible 2, a new Android smartphone…
Verizon Announces Availability of HTC Incredible 2
Verizon Announces Availability of HTC Incredible 2
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Verizon Wireless and HTC today announced pricing and availability for the HTC Incredible 2, a new Android smartphone…
Verizon Announces Availability of HTC Incredible 2
Google’s Nexus S now has a successor in the Nexus S 4G from Google, which goes on say May 8 at all Sprint stores and online.
Sprint Sets May 8 Date for Nexus S 4G
The Nook Color eReader is one step closer to realizing its potential as full-fledged Android tablet…
B&N Unveils Apps, Integrated Email for Nook Color
Today, the company unveiled its new application for the iPhone and Android, including multimedia capabilities and a more intuitive user interface.
CloudTalk Introduces New 'Talky' App for iPhone, Android
Emirati authorities seeking greater control over smartphone data are pushing ahead with plans to impose tighter restrictions on the most tough-to-monitor BlackBerry service…
Emirati Telecom: BlackBerry Limits Next Week