The first installment part of this series looked at what jailbreaking (or rooting in the Android camp) is, as well as why and how it’s done. This installment looks at how Apple and AT&T regard the practice. MyWi A good
Архив за месяц: Август 2010
Part I: To Jailbreak or Not to Jailbreak
This is a two part series on jailbreaking. This first installment will discuss the logistics of jailbreaking – how it’s done, what it does to the device and the risks. Part II will discuss jailbreaking from the carrier and OEM’s
Part I: To Jailbreak or Not to Jailbreak
Tackling the Tricky Tablet
While Apple might have sold an impressive 3.27 million iPads in less than a quarter, it has done so in the absence of any major competitors. So, where are they? Last week, the Streak, which Dell puts in the tablet
Tackling the Tricky Tablet
Best Buy to Expand Location-based Smartphone Rewards
Best Buy today announced plans to bring its location-based retail experiment, the «Shopkick» mobile application rewards system…
Best Buy to Expand Location-based Smartphone Rewards
India Eyes Google, Skype in Security Crackdown
India may ask Google and Skype for greater access to encrypted information once it resolves security concerns with BlackBerrys…
India Eyes Google, Skype in Security Crackdown